
- .lrc

[00:09.35]OP: 黑羊、赵鑫
[00:10.16]SP : 广州星脉网络科技有限公司
[00:11.89]我现在心情放松 时速一百八
[00:14.46]摘一朵绽放 只在夜空 的花
[00:16.95]你用你的扑克牌 打算我一笔卦
[00:19.54]但我知道至少也不会比你差 and u better know
[00:22.93]高谈阔 论彼 此优点
[00:24.55]反锁 话题出 口恐怕是怕给自己丢脸
[00:27.73]尊 严谎言 暗与恶的勾选
[00:29.92]我 很庆幸槽 点再也不 必收敛 闪躲
[00:34.30]话不投机半 句多
[00:37.18]还好今晚 的天气 恰当地助一臂
[00:39.95]转移你注意力 让我们聊点别的
[00:42.57]池子里的鱼 聊池子里的雨
[00:44.67]我用池子里的泥 钓了池 子里的你
[00:47.56]也许不甘拜 下风渴求安慰
[00:49.84]于是换姿 势 翻身 继续酣睡
[00:52.96]Don't go to sleep,
[00:54.91]You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
[00:57.39]Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
[01:00.31]But don't fall to sleep
[01:02.28]Don't go to sleep,
[01:04.96]You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
[01:07.49]Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
[01:10.44]But don't fall to sleep
[01:13.19]嘘 别吵了他们美梦
[01:14.58]趁一轮 圆月挂 在空中我们不 如赶紧开 始行动
[01:17.86]packets on my bag
[01:19.11]lyrics about my spirit
[01:20.16]when im rapping bout my eri
[01:21.42]whole world's gonna hear it
[01:22.63]我用笔 如握 一瓶Hennessy
[01:24.48]捕获香气扑 过鼻
[01:25.75]抚摸麻痹味蕾它 能让人沉醉
[01:28.01]它能让人沉睡 催眠教科书
[01:30.17]怎么跳也跳 不出是我的莫比乌 斯带
[01:32.76]fakers着力故事概 括 可忽视故事本质
[01:35.61]如鹰鸟瞰整个城市 图 纸独自审视
[01:38.08]如影随你形是风 跟我的flow
[01:43.50]Don't go to sleep,
[01:45.36]You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
[01:47.88]Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
[01:50.10]But don't fall to sleep
[01:50.55]Don't go to sleep,
[01:55.44]You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
[01:58.02]Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
[02:00.95]But don't fall to sleep
[02:02.91]Don't go to sleep,
[02:05.55]You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
[02:08.13]Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
[02:11.05]But don't fall to sleep
[02:13.19]Don't go to sleep,
[02:15.72]You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
[02:18.23]Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
[02:21.21]But don't fall to sleep
OP: 黑羊、赵鑫
SP : 广州星脉网络科技有限公司
我现在心情放松 时速一百八
摘一朵绽放 只在夜空 的花
你用你的扑克牌 打算我一笔卦
但我知道至少也不会比你差 and u better know
高谈阔 论彼 此优点
反锁 话题出 口恐怕是怕给自己丢脸
尊 严谎言 暗与恶的勾选
我 很庆幸槽 点再也不 必收敛 闪躲
话不投机半 句多
还好今晚 的天气 恰当地助一臂
转移你注意力 让我们聊点别的
池子里的鱼 聊池子里的雨
我用池子里的泥 钓了池 子里的你
也许不甘拜 下风渴求安慰
于是换姿 势 翻身 继续酣睡
Don't go to sleep,
You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
But don't fall to sleep
Don't go to sleep,
You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
But don't fall to sleep
嘘 别吵了他们美梦
趁一轮 圆月挂 在空中我们不 如赶紧开 始行动
packets on my bag
lyrics about my spirit
when im rapping bout my eri
whole world's gonna hear it
我用笔 如握 一瓶Hennessy
捕获香气扑 过鼻
抚摸麻痹味蕾它 能让人沉醉
它能让人沉睡 催眠教科书
怎么跳也跳 不出是我的莫比乌 斯带
fakers着力故事概 括 可忽视故事本质
如鹰鸟瞰整个城市 图 纸独自审视
如影随你形是风 跟我的flow
Don't go to sleep,
You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
But don't fall to sleep
Don't go to sleep,
You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
But don't fall to sleep
Don't go to sleep,
You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
But don't fall to sleep
Don't go to sleep,
You can get your cash on nigga if you peak,
Other niggaz close their eyes seeing dreams in their
But don't fall to sleep